coaster cork board

We have a very small space that serves as our home office in our apartment, and it’s smack in the middle of the living room. Well, not literally in the middle, but you get it. In efforts to make it clutter free and not draw too much attention (than it already draws) I needed some sort of cork board. Enter four cork coasters.

We’ve had these $1.00 coasters for a few years and they get tossed around the room for our drinks to live on. I’ve been wanting to upgrade the coasters so I made a new use for these ones. I screwed each one onto the wall right above where our laptop lives.

They now serve as a great place for us to pin up any notes, reminders, to do’s, etc. I love it because it’s not a gaudy cork board right in the living room but is enough to keep loose papers and lists of the desk. Now, if my dear Alton will just stop asking where the pushpins are stored.