high five for friday

Phew. There was a moment in time when I didn’t think I would make it through this week after traveling for 13 hours on Sunday and barely sleeping at all for the last three days. #sleepproblemssuck. I don’t think we’ve done laundry for two weeks because we’ve traveled for the past three. I’m wearing workout clothes to work and we both wore our last pair of underwear today. TMI? Just keepin’ it real folks, keepin’ it real.

BUT, we made it and it’s Friday and I can’t wait for a weekend at home of hiking, relaxing, blogging and of course, laundry.

Enjoy your weekend!

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1. I LOVE my drive to work. Now, I wish it was a little shorter, but the beauty is unbelievable. Look at how big that sky is. Look at how open and flat!

2. I took part in a shot ski. I don’t do shots. And you see with the shot ski, well, as you can see, I was the shortest so when we tipped it only half made it in my mouth and the other half went right down my shirt. Add it to the list of short people problems.

3. I’m cheating on Pinkberry with gelato. And by cheating I mean I’ve divorced Pinkberry and have re-married gelato. So. darn. delicious.

4. What a photo bomb. Had a blast at the wedding last weekend.

5. Delicious weekly BBQ’s at my work with all local, organic produce and grass-fed meat. It’s the most delicious lunch of my week and I just love chalkboard menus.