garden update 2012

Epic Fail 2012. Yes, that’s right. Remember last year when we had enough tomatoes to feed a city? Well this year, not so much. We used a different soil and that’s the only thing we can think of that we’ve done differently.

Of all the things we planted way back in May we’ve grown one banana pepper and one tomato.

And our lettuce did thrive. But that’s all! We have one tomato plant that we planed directly in the ground. That is growing, but only in the last few weeks have any tomatoes popped up and they refuse to turn red.

So, 2012 was not the year for our garden I guess. None of our herbs even grew! Our squash plant started growing really well and then literally like 2 days later was completely dead.

Hope you’re all having better luck with your gardens. There’s always next year!