lace painted glass plates

I’ve been wanting to try out this glass plate project for a while now. I’ve just been too much of a wimp to go outside and paint in the cold. But, since this weekend it was 45 degrees out I figured it was a good time to try it out.

I gathered my supplies:

Lace, two spray paint colors, spray adhesive and a glass plate…

And set up on an empty milk carton, on a tree stump. Professional, I know. I turned my plate over so that the bottom of it was facing up. Sprayed a light coat of adhesive and stuck the lace to it.

I let that set for about five minutes. Then, I took my gold spray paint and lightly sprayed a coat to cover the whole plate. Let that dry about 10 minutes.

I peeled off the lace and then sprayed a coat of black spray paint right onto the glass.

As you can see in the photo something funky happened with my black spray paint. It almost looked as if the plate was wet or something, though it wasn’t. I let it dry for about 10 minutes and then did another coat. But, the same thing happened. So, I just let the whole thing dry for about 40 minutes and called it a day.

When I flipped it over it wasn’t nearly as pretty as it was in my head. I realized that I should have sprayed the black first and then the gold. So I did that backwards. I also realized that my lace might have been too dainty. It needed to have more of a design in it. And I didn’t do a good job of getting close to the edges.

So, needless to say this plate was a bust. But, no worries, I have seven more to try it out on. I think they would be great to toss jewelry on to, or keys near an entry way. I just have to figure out how to get it right. I had all the supplies except the lace, which I got on clearance for $2 at Joann Fabrics and the plates I got at the thrift store, a set of eight for $2.99.

So I guess if I get one right out of eight it still wouldn’t have been a bank breaker…!