diy gift card boxes

The other day I was standing in a check out line and I reached for a few of those cute gift card boxes. While I stood waiting I thought to myself, “don’t be riduculous, such a waste of your money.” I came home and made some using boxes that I had in my gift wrapping stash, such as cardboard jewelry boxes.

First, I stuffed the box with some of that paper confetti stuff.

I made them while wrapping gifts so I used some scraps of the paper and wrapped the top of the boxes just like it was a gift. I only wrapped the tops because I like the look of the solid color bottoms.

My gift card fit perfectly into this particular box.

The second one I made was a bit larger of a box but it’s for a gift card that was purchased online so you print it out. Which means it’s larger than the normal gift card size.

Because this gift card was paper I didn’t want to also add the paper confetti so I left the felty jewelry thing in the box.

Wrapped it the same way and I was done. I can’t show you this gift card in the box because it’s for a blog reader, but just know it fits great!

How do you creatively give gift cards? Share, share, share!