completed corner office space

I finalllllly have a completed office corner! Though, nothing is ever really complete around here because I’m always changing things. I’m psyched that it’s functional and organized and all mine.

We have two bedrooms, we sleep in one, obviously, and the other we’ve made into an office and workout room. Al has one corner with a desk and I have one corner and the rest is the workout space. I’ve been slowly putting my space together with the cork board, lamp makeover, clock and wall baskets.

Here it is!

Yes, I do sit on a ball chair so I left it in the photos. I know the whole thing would look so much cuter with a nice chair but the ball is comfy and helps my posture and core strength!

There are a lot of different colors going on, but I love the mix of colors with the loads of whites and neutrals. I used a bookshelf that we already owned and filled it with photo storage boxes. They’re filled with office supplies, paints, manuals, ribbon, etc., not photos.

My wall bins are perfect for my file folders and notebooks that I use on a regular basis.

Under the desk I used two small hooks to corral the wires. I screwed them into the wall up near the edge of the desk so you can’t see them at all, unless of course you’re under the desk photographing them.

I had everything in the photo below except the light teal colored trays. Those are from the Martha Stewart line for Avery from Staples. I love everything in her Avery line. The trays were the perfect things to collect the odds and ends on the desk.

The desk is two Ikea tables that we cornered together. I had one for the longest time, bought on Craigslist, and it just wasn’t enough space. So for Christmas Al trekked down to Ikea to get me another table. He lucked out big time and got one in the AS IS section for super cheap. It allows me a lot more space to work, write, do projects or crafts. I can easily slide the table against the window out further to provide more space too.

I’m completely pleased with the space. It’s simple, organized, clean lines, no clutter, neutral and colorful. The only things purchased new were the wall baskets, picture frame, photos boxes, one table and teal trays. I bought used, the other table, lamp, clock and bulletin board. Everything else I already had. I love coming up here to work now because it’s a cozy place where I can be productive. Have you guys been working on any office spaces lately?