recent thrift store finds

We’ve been doing lots of thrifting since we moved out to CO. We had nearly an entire apartment that needed a lot of things. Today I thought I’d share some recent finds with you, both practical and whimsical.

Wooden Box, 99 cents. The lid is removed because I was starting a project that I’ll share next week!

wood box

Very dusty mirror, $4.99. I loved the shape and clean edges of it and can’t wait to toss some paint on it. 


Vintage vegetable seed art, $6.00. This art was professionally matted and framed which costs big bucks!

vintage vegetables

White pitcher, $2.99. So many uses and so clean and fresh and crispy white!


Submarine, $3. Can you guess which of us chose this?  It was Al. However, it’s the perfect holder for our toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet. 


Alligator, $1. Great little contraption to toss the dish brush in.

How about you guys? Any grand finds lately? I obviously have a whole heck of a lot more but lots are projects I’m working on so I’m not sharing them just yet!

recent second hand steals

Just thought I’d do a quick post of some thrift store items I’ve picked up recently. All of these will be posted in the coming weeks with nice new makeovers, but for now…the great deals:

Foot Stool: I picked this up for $4.99 and can not wait to paint it and re-cover it.

Amy Butler Fabric: Yep, that’s right. I got three different fabrics, each about 1.5 yard for $1 each. That was definitely the steal of this thrift store trip.

Bag: Stay tuned for Friday’s post on how I turned this $2.99 bag into a 2 in 1 camera bag.

Swing Arm Lamp: I’ve been on the hunt for two second hand wall lamps for a while and I scored this one for $1.50. It was $3 but just happened to be 50% off. Now if I can just find one more!

There you have it, the most recent finds. Stay tuned to see some transformations!